Monday, April 30, 2012


Welcome to my corner of the web devoted to our family and friends. JeffandChrissy started off as just that, Jeff and Chrissy Freeman. We have grown our family to include Jack and Jordan, our beautiful children. This blog is the photo album of our lives since 2002. The pictures are meant to tell a story of our family and our friends. I hope you enjoy!

Me and my kids

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Easter 2012

Easter morning started with a trip downstairs to see what the Easter Bunny had brought for the kids! It was fun to see their reactions and how excited they were about their baskets. 

Baskets full of goodies!

She loved her new Plum Pudding Doll

Time to look for Easter Eggs 

Jack whining about something

They loved their new sunglasses

 Next we were off to Nana's house for Easter with the Randazzos and Weissmans

Jordan, Jack and Cousin Sydney

Ari & Johnna

The Cousins:
Sydney, Jack, Jayden, Jordan, Johnna, Alec

Jack, Jayden, Jordan & Johnna

Jayden & Johnna Randazzo

Jack on another egg hunt. There was no time to stop and smile. 

Jeff playing games on the iPad

Jordan and her eggs form the hunt

Jack and his basket

Blowing bubbles with our cousin Jayden

Easter was also Johnna's 20th birthday! 

The Randazzo Family

 Next we were off to The Coppage's for Easter dinner

Another Easter egg hunt!

Dillon checking out his basket

Mimi & Jordan

Jeff and Chrissy

Sunday, April 8, 2012